“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.” — Moshé Feldenkrais
Custom Designed
Wellness by Design is an individualized plan, set out for each person to be able to discover their true and full expression. There is no such thing as a one program fits all scenario. Two individuals with the same type of injury cannot be given the same rehab protocol. Each individual carries a story, consisting of a variety of variables that are unique to them. Wellness by Design caters to each individual, focusing on their goals and needs, ultimately making you a better, stronger, optimal human.
“The body only knows to heal, regenerate, and adapt.
There is no healing force outside of the body.
Embody this truth and you will live a life free from constraints and infinite potential.”
Principles of Wellness
There are eight essential principles that embody what it means to be human, to live how a human is designed — Belief, Purpose, Relationships, Sleep, Breath, Light, Nourishment, and Movement. In order to maximize any performance and healing aspirations, thus optimize complete wellness. We need to address and apply these principles, all of which are unique to the individual in their respected manner.
There will be a vast focus on the mental and neurological component of movement, as movement ties everything together. Movement is the primary aspect of our biology, directly affecting all of our physiological functions. It is our form of expression; how we feel, behave, perform, look, adapt, and survive. Movement is the mechanism to remain functional and preserve health at optimal levels throughout our lifespan.
Perfect Wellness
If your goal is to heal from any injury, become an explosive athlete, prepare for the forces of life, or simply look and feel better, it is going to take the same thing — intention. Whether that’s through our on-sight sessions or remote work. Remember, you are the facilitator to your goals, your intent is what will drive change.
Preparing the body to handle and absorb forces at level greater than it will ever experience outside of a training environment. Your inputs have to be done at an intention and stimulus level greater than your desired output.
Stimulating yourself greater than the stimulus of which caused your injury or trauma. Using the highest level of neurological input to connect brain to body and body back to the brain.